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 Double-Talking Archive 2014

Rep. Tim Huelskamp says he didn’t read the Ryan-Murray Budget Bill
by Nathan'ette Burdine: January 31, 2014

Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) told CNN’s “Crossfire” host Van Jones that his opposition to the Ryan-Murray budget bill was not due to his political views.

Rep. Huelskamp told Van Jones that he wasn’t supporting the bill because of “some of the things” in the bill. 

However, Huelskamp also said that he hadn’t read the bill and that “bipartisan usually scares us.”

Hence, he didn’t know what “some of the things” in the Ryan-Murray budget bill were that he shouldn’t like.

But, the one thing Rep. Huelskamp knew about the bill that he hadn’t read was that it is a bi-partisan bill, authored by a Republican and a Democrat, which he doesn’t like.

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